Privacy Statement

We want to live up to the trust that we handle your personal data with care every day. We work with well-secured information systems and clear privacy statements. When necessary, we adapt these. Like now, with the introduction of the General Data Processing Regulation (AVG). Read here how we handle your personal data.

Who are we?

We are HCA

HCA project Support b.v is located in Rotterdam, Scheepsbouwweg 67, 3089 JW is responsible for the processing of your personal data (Controller within the meaning of the AVG).

From whom do we collect personal data?

We collect personal data from: Website Visitors and Users. When you visit our website, we collect information related to the type of device, browser and how you use our website. This information helps us to improve the website for your convenience and to provide you with the best possible service.

We process the information: With your permission, to properly carry out the agreement and/or terms of use we have agreed with you

  • Read here more information about in our cookie policy. About what personal data we process, why, who we provide information to and how long we keep your information.
  • Applicants, (potential) candidates, freelancers, flex workers, employees of suppliers, participants of customers or other persons

We collect and process your data for the performance of our services, including mediation, staffing, secondment, payroll, recruitment and selection, in- and on-lending, personal development and employability, reintegration, career guidance and outplacement, consulting, planning and personnel and payroll administration.

We process the information: To properly carry out the agreement and/or terms of use that we have agreed to with you

To fulfill a legal obligation

Based on a legitimate interest consistent with or resulting from the stated purposes (why do we process personal data), we do this based on careful assessment and balancing of interests

Business relationships

We process personal data of individuals working for companies with whom we do business for the purpose of making offers for and/or providing information on the

services and other activities to maintain a business relationship and enter into and maintain an assignment agreement.

We process the information;

  • To properly carry out the agreement and/or terms of use we agreed to with you
  • To fulfill a legal obligation
  • Based on a legitimate interest consistent with or resulting from the stated purposes; (why do we process personal data) we do so based on careful assessment and balancing of interests
  • By virtue of your consent.
  • When do we collect your personal data

For example, we collect your personal data if:

  • You visit our websites use
  • Entering or leaving your information on our website
  • You register at one of our branches
  • You otherwise sign up or are signed up to use our services or to provide you with a service.and if we did not get it directly from you;
  • From social media, only if we have a legitimate reason to believe that you would be interested in work. In that case we will approach you to see if you are interested in registering with us or would otherwise like to use our services. If you are not interested, we may process relevant data about you in order to take into account your wish not to be contacted by us.
  • If we receive personal information from, reference contacts provided by you
  • If clients, where you have been offered or where you work or have worked, share personal information about you with us or who sign you up for our services; if this is part of or results from our agreement
  • From suppliers in the context of in- and on-lending, in which case we have agreed with the supplier to inform you and refer to our privacy statement.

With whom may we share your personal data?

HCA may transfer your personal data to the following (categories of) recipients:

  • Subcontractors and suppliers (such as data processors) who provide services or perform assignments on behalf of HCA. These recipients only have access to the data they need to perform their tasks and are bound by contractual obligations
  • Third parties such as service providers who perform functions on our behalf (including testing, training, and/or examination institutes, parties who perform customer satisfaction measurements including for the purposes of labels and certifications, external consultants, business partners and professional advisors such as lawyers, auditors, technical support functions and IT consultants who develop and test our systems)
  • Clients we may introduce you to, where you will or are working through us, or who ask us to use our services for your career guidance, coaching, mediation or outplacement
  • Individuals and organizations that have information about, for example, your reference or eligibility (such as diplomas) or to whom we, at your request, provide data or who, at your request, provide us with information, such as current, former or intended employers, training providers, examination institutes and employment agencies
  • Third parties to whom we provide data, with your explicit consent, or share data at your request in connection with data portability
  • Pension Fund, if applicable;
  • Government agencies and other entities (such as grant applicants) if we believe we are required or entitled to do so.
  • And in all other cases where we are required to do so, such as by a court order or court judgment.

The sharing of personal data is done on the basis of a legitimate interest, consent, legal obligation and/or in performance of the agreement in accordance with the purposes listed under "Why do we collect your personal data?"

Your personal data may be transferred or stored outside the Netherlands. HCA has taken the necessary measures to ensure that the transmitted personal data is adequately protected. Your personal data may be sent to and processed in one or more countries within or outside the European Union. We will only transfer your personal data outside the EU where the European Commission considers that you have an adequate level of protection or where HCA or its partners have taken appropriate security measures to safeguard the privacy of your data. For questions about this see contact details below.

Your rights

  • You have the right to make a request for: Inspection of the personal data we process about you Rectification of your personal data
  • Deletion of your personal data or restriction of processing: in certain circumstances, unless we have a good reason, such as a legal obligation, to process or not delete the personal data
  • Restriction of or an objection about the processing of personal data Transfer of your data.
  • In case of your request, in order to protect personal data, we will have to be able to establish your identity.

We do not use automated decision making based solely on automated processing including profiling.

Below is how you can withdraw your consent;

If you have signed up to receive information for news releases, events, alerts or other messages, you can opt out of receiving them via the unsubscribe option in the email you receive about them

You can prevent cookies from being set via your browser settings, but you can also change your cookie settings or delete them from your device at any time via the browser settings

If you want to change or delete data that you cannot edit yourself, please contact your contact person and/or branch office.

Questions, comments, complaints or (suspected) data breach

If you have any questions, please contact your contact person and/or branch office. If you have any complaints, please let us know so we can help you further and, if necessary, adjust/improve our service/work processes.

If you have any questions, comments or complaints about the protection of your personal data by HCA, please contact the branch or your contact person. You have the right to file a complaint about the processing of your personal data with the Personal Data Authority.
If there is a (suspected) data breach, for example, you suspect loss or unauthorized access to personal data, please let us know immediately.


HCA makes every effort to protect your personal data to the fullest extent possible. We do this on the basis of our information security policy. To this end, we have taken physical, administrative, organizational and technical measures to prevent unauthorized use, taking into account the latest technology. These measures are regularly evaluated and updated where necessary.

If and to the extent data is provided to data processors who provide services or perform assignments on its behalf, HCA has agreed with them that they will also provide optimal security for the personal data.

You should be aware that you are responsible for the security of your computer equipment and/or telephone and of your own Internet connection, and that it is never 100% secure. The transmission of personal data via the Internet is therefore done at your own risk.


HCA may make changes, additions or modifications to its privacy statement from time to time for a variety of reasons. The most current privacy statement can be viewed on the website at any time. We encourage you to review the privacy statement periodically. This version was prepared in May 2018.

Visitors and users of the website

When you visit our website or use our app, we collect information related to the type of device, browser and how you use our website. This information helps us improve the website for your convenience and to provide you with the best possible service.

Read here for more information on what personal data we process, why and how long we keep your information.

What personal data do we collect from you?

In general, our website can be visited without your personal data being transmitted to us.

We collect non-identifiable information about Web site users, such as, for example, date and time of access, the source from which you linked directly to our Web site, the operating system you use, the parts of the Web site you visit, the pages of the Web site you visited, information about the type of device you use, and the materials you send or download from the Web site.

HCA uses cookies and web statistics. We do this to see how visitors use our website. This information helps us to improve the site. A cookie is a file that is stored on your computer. When you visit our website again, these cookies can be recognized. You can read more about this in our cookie policy.

Once you provide data to us, by filling out a form, making an application or registering where you create an account, we process that data you provide to us.

We ask that you only provide us with information that is accurate and relevant.

We collect personal data from you in order to:

  • To be able to respond to questions, tips, feedback, job applications or requests if you have filled out a form or left data for that purpose
  • To be able to provide information about our services and other activities and better tailor them to your needs and qualities
  • Contacting you about offers, events and other information that may be of interest to you
  • To be able to send you emails such as newsletters or job alerts, if you have signed up for them.
  • Process or respond to your feedback or complaints in order to improve our services and resources or better serve you.

How long we keep your personal data

We retain your data to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected. We determine the required retention period on the basis of laws and regulations and possible claim risks whereby the basic principle is that we do not keep the data longer than necessary. See also our cookie policy.

Applicants, (potential) candidates, freelancers, flex workers, employees of suppliers or participants of our customers

We collect and process your data for the performance of our services, including; mediation, staffing, secondment, payroll, recruitment and selection, on and on loan, personal development and employability, reintegration, career guidance and outplacement, consulting, planning, personnel and payroll administration.

Read here for more information on what personal data we process, why and how long we keep your information.

What personal data do we collect from you

We process the personal data necessary for our services; some of this data is required to use our services. Without this data we cannot perform our services. Additional data may be desirable to better tailor our services to your needs, qualities and/or availability or to meet more specific questions or obligations regarding the position and/or from clients. We ask that you only provide us with information that is accurate and relevant.

We may also collect (contact) data from you if you have posted it on public resources only if we have a legitimate reason to believe that you would be interested in work or our services. In that case we will approach you to assess your interest in registering with us in accordance with our terms and conditions and subject to this privacy statement. You are responsible for any personal data that is available from you on/via the internet. Tip: check this regularly and if you do not want information to be available to third parties, screen it well.

More specifically, this includes - among others - the following (documents containing) personal data: At registration;

  • Name and address information, e-mail address and other contact information
    Birth data, age, gender
  • Curriculum vitae (CV), information on education, internships and work experience
  • Data on training and education and/or tests you have attended or taken yourself or through us; Data on availability and leave of absence
  • Other data that are or may be important in the context of assessing your suitability as a candidate, for example, references and testimonials
  • Passport photo and video (introduction) - on a voluntary basis.

The ID proof may be stored and checked during recruitment and selection to verify that you are allowed to work in the Netherlands. If you do not start working for us within four weeks, the ID proof will be removed.

We are committed to an inclusive job market, where everyone who can, can participate. We request data such as your gender to communicate with you, data about age to identify you in our systems and to determine whether we have certain obligations (such as with respect to pay and whether we need parental or guardian consent).

At the time you can start working/working/have worked for HCA;
Nationality, BSN number, ID proof, work permit
Other data related to personnel, salary and absence records

In addition, for the purpose of certain positions, we sometimes process data as part of a pre-employment screening.

If you are hired in and on through us to a client;

Data necessary in the context of the limitation of hirer's liability (such as name and address, date of birth, BSN, type of ID document, number and period of validity, if any: residence permit, A1 certificate, work permit).

HCA records special personal data only if necessary to fulfill its legal obligations, or if otherwise permitted by or under the law. By 'special personal data' is meant; data on racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical religion or belief, genetic and biometric data, health, sexual life, trade union membership, personal data under criminal law and/or personal data on unlawful or nuisance behavior.

Why do we collect your personal data

We collect and process your data for the performance of our services, including; mediation, staffing, secondment, payroll, recruitment and selection, personal development and employability, career guidance, coaching and outplacement, planning, personnel and payroll administration.

  • More specifically, your personal data will be processed in order to: Communicate with you correctly and clearly
  • Providing you with offers and/or information about the services and other activities and tailoring them better to your needs and qualities, this is done by our employees and partly automated (e.g. with a job alert)
  • To contact you for commercial offers, newsletters, events and promotions that may be of interest to you, only if you have signed up for them
  • Processing or responding to your feedback or complaints in order to improve our services and resources or better serve you
  • Improve our services; for example, if we record conversations for training purposes, we will inform you in advance
  • To be able to assess your suitability and availability in connection with mediation for permanent or temporary work or an assignment, which may also involve the use of test results, reference checks, social media (only if this is really relevant to the position and is indicated in the job description)
  • Gain insight into companies where or through whom you may be employed or how we can support or advise you in your job search
  • Introduce you to our clients, this can also be by means of sound and/or visual material, in the case of videos or photos: only if you have voluntarily provided them to us, or have had them provided to you; to schedule you as well as possible according to your wishes and availability and the possibilities with our client
  • Establish and maintain an employee or personnel/agency relationship with you and carry out the relevant administration for this purpose
  • Fulfill our reintegration obligations and comply with (the government-imposed purpose) of helping persons with a large(er) distance from the labor market into employment
  • Perform the necessary actions and administration in case we are self-insurer
  • Record an assignment with the client in an agreement with the client and maintain and fulfill the agreement with the client
  • To process data for the purpose of pre-employment screening for certain positions.
  • Promote your personal development and employability, including through training, education and testing
  • Guide your career and help you with outplacement
  • For management purposes including; management information, providing internal controls and corporate security and performing audits and auditing
  • Quality purposes such as certification
  • Claiming subsidies, premium discounts, labor cost benefit, etc.

If we have entered into an employee or staffing/mediation relationship with you, for compliance with laws and regulations, including but not limited to identification, labor laws, tax and social security laws, pension, anti-fraud and national and international sanctions laws.

How long we keep your personal data

The retention periods we use depend on the applicable legal retention periods, possible claim risks or other obligations with the starting point being that your personal data will not be kept longer than necessary for that purpose.


  • Candidates (if you have not (yet) worked for HCA)
  • Your placement information (CV, work experience, education, test results, etc.) is available for two years after the last contact if you have not worked for HCA. You will receive notification from us both one year after the last contact and two years after the last contact that you are registered with us.
  • If you no longer wish to be mediated, you can unsubscribe yourself from HCA. You will no longer be approached and mediated by HCA. Your personal data will remain available in a protected environment for three calendar months (in case of Recruitment & Selection this period is 24 months) in connection with claim risks. In this protected environment, your data is only available to HCA under strict conditions in accordance with the purposes and periods set for it. After expiration of the aforementioned periods, your data will be permanently deleted.
  • if you work/have worked for HCA
  • Your personal data is available for two years after the end of employment.

Certain personal data are available to HCA for longer periods of time for purposes such as claims, audits and tax obligations.
If you no longer wish to be mediated, please indicate this to your contact person. You will no longer be contacted and mediated by HCA. Your personal data will then be archived in a protected environment after two years. Your personal data will then only be available to HCA under strict conditions in accordance with the applicable purposes and deadlines.

Business relationships

We process personal data of individuals working for companies with whom we do business (1) to make offers for and/or provide information about services and other activities and (2) to maintain a business relationship and (3) to enter into and maintain an assignment agreement.

Read here for more information on what personal data we process, why and how long we keep your information.

What personal data we collect from you;

  • Name and contact information Position
  • Details of the company you work for or represent
  • Data to maintain a good business relationship with you
  • Data for the purpose of events and meetings.
  • Why do we collect your personal data

we collect your data to;

  • Be able to establish, maintain and fulfill the agreement with you
  • To be able to communicate with you
  • Maintain a good business relationship with you, to;
  • Providing you with offers, promotional gifts and/or information about services and other activities;
  • To contact you for commercial offers, newsletters, events and promotions that may be of interest to you, only if you have opted in to be billed for them
  • To determine creditworthiness
    For reporting purposes (for example, to provide the right person with the right report)
  • Processing or responding to your feedback or complaints in order to improve our services and resources or better serve you
  • Improve our services.

How long we keep your personal data

The retention periods we use depend on the relevance of the data for maintaining or establishing our relationship and the other purposes mentioned above, applicable legal retention periods, possible claim risks or other obligations with the premise that your personal data will not be kept longer than necessary for that purpose.

  • clients with an account in the my environment

Personal information is available for two years after the last posting.
Version July 2019

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