HCA brings employers and employees together

As a staffing agency, HCA has years of experience in the sustainable recruitment, selection, matching and secondment of professionals for business. 

View our subject areas for job openings

HCA specializes in mediating for local and international personnel and freelancers. We mediate the placement of technicians, from lbo to wo level, in all professional disciplines within engineering.

At HCA, we are expanding our services and now providing IT professionals. Whether you are looking for a help desk technician, a software developer, or an IT manager, we will help you find the right match. Explore our current job openings by clicking the button below.

Experience in engineering? Find your dream job through HCA Project Support! We help you find the perfect match

HCA specializes in mediating for local & international personnel and ZZP'ers. We mediate the placement of technicians, from lbo to wo level, in all professional disciplines within (information) technology.

Yorick Kolendijk
Hydraulic technician
+10 years employed
Daphne van der Sluis
Work Planner Appendage
+2 years employed
Maintenance Technician
+7 years employed

Get to know HCA!

Your match in engineering!

As a staffing agency, HCA has years of experience in the sustainable recruitment, selection, matching and secondment of professionals for business. We have been in existence since 1999. Through personal contact, finding out the intrinsic motivation in the candidate and the corporate culture of the client, we create customized mediation.


Certification means security, efficiency, commitment, trust and customer satisfaction. 

For employers

HCA considers it very important to meet the most stringent certifications within the employment services industry. Our clients can trust that we stand for quality.

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Want to learn more about our capabilities and services, or are you looking for qualified personnel right away?

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We are here for you and would love to help you find a new job that really suits you. If you have any questions please contact us!

For employers

We mediate the placement of technicians, from lbo to wo level, in all professional disciplines within engineering.

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